Call for papers "Sociology of organisations and communication in the face of the challenge of sustainability and digitalisation (fair and inclusive social innovation)."

The ongoing sustainability and digitalization challenges have triggered a re-evaluation of organizational and communicational practices across industries. The rapid advancement of digital technologies has brought about fundamental changes to the way organizations operate and communicate with their stakeholders. Meanwhile, sustainability has become a central concern for organizations, with increased attention to the social, environmental, and economic impacts of their operations. In this context, the sociology of organizations and communication has a critical role to play in advancing our understanding of how organizations can address these challenges and foster fair and inclusive social innovation.

This call for papers invites submissions from scholars, practitioners, and policymakers that critically examine the intersection of organizational sociology and communication in the context of sustainability and digitalization. Specifically, we welcome papers that explore:

  • How organizations are responding to the challenge of sustainability in the digital age, including the adoption of sustainable practices, policies, and technologies;

  • The role of communication in promoting and enabling sustainable and inclusive social innovation in organizations, including how digital technologies are being used to facilitate communication and collaboration among stakeholders;

  • The impact of digitalization on organizational structures and processes, including the changing nature of work, the emergence of new forms of organization, and the role of digital technologies in facilitating these changes;

  • The role of power, politics, and inequality in shaping organizational responses to sustainability and digitalization challenges, including how different stakeholders are involved and engaged in decision-making processes;

  • The challenges and opportunities for fair and inclusive social innovation in the context of digitalization and sustainability, including the potential for digital technologies to exacerbate existing inequalities or to create new forms of exclusion; education, participative and collaborative solutions and reflections.

We welcome submissions from a range of disciplines and perspectives, including sociology, communication studies, education, management, organization studies, and sustainability science. We encourage both empirical and theoretical contributions that provide new insights into the relationship between organizational sociology, communication, and sustainability and digitalization challenges.


Dr. Victoria Sanagustín-Fons

Departamento de Psicología y Sociología

Universidad de Zaragoza (Spain)

Dr. Leticia Porto Pedrosa

Departamento de Ciencias de la Educación

Universidad Rey Juan Carlos (Spain)