Quality of Employment: Strategies and Interpretations of Spanish Employers and Trade Unions


Quality of employment
precarious job
decent work
trade unions

How to Cite

Arnal, M., Prieto, C., & Caprile, M. (2013). Quality of Employment: Strategies and Interpretations of Spanish Employers and Trade Unions. International Journal of Organizations, (9), 45–67. https://doi.org/10.17345/rio9.45-67


This article examines the different discourses of trade unions and employers on quality of employment in Spain. The study takes a qualitative approach, using discussion groups to obtain discursive information about the meanings of quality, assessments and the different strategies employed by social agents. Trade unions use the 'quality discourse' as a reason to examine and reconstruct their current role, extending their main concerns and paradigms from those which defend workers' interests to those which consolidate their criticism of a reprehensible Spanish employer class. Employers' discourse, on the other hand, is aimed at highlighting the market's productive purpose, and sustaining their privileged position in labour management, whilst disassociating and distancing themselves from the employment decisions they make.


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