Expectativas y oportunidades en la función pública
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public management
legal frameworkm public employment

How to Cite

Azemar i Mallard, L. (2008). Expectativas y oportunidades en la función pública. International Journal of Organizations, (1), 11–38. https://doi.org/10.17345/rio1.11-38


The Public Function in Catalonia, the Spanish Autonomous Region with the least public employment, stands for 9% of the active population. The public function White Book draws several roads to action in order to promote the definition of a model of its own. The approval of both the new Catalan Statute of Autonomy (CSA or EAC) and the Basic Status of the Public Employee (BSPE or EBEP) will modify the general normative framework. Furthermore, it will generate new expectations about the possibilities of increasing self-government. The new statuary text includes the concepts of exclusive and shared competencies, introducing a new parameter to state the constitutionality of both the state and the regional legislation.
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