The role of tutoring in higher education: improving the student's academic success and professional goals


tutorial action plan
academic success
professional goals
lifelong learning

How to Cite

Ruiz, N., & Fandos, M. (2014). The role of tutoring in higher education: improving the student’s academic success and professional goals. International Journal of Organizations, (12), 89–100.


Tutoring is a part of the university teaching-learning process and is a basic strategy for improving the student's academic success and professional goals. It is also in line with the policies of the European Union for improving the integration of lifelong guidance into lifelong learning strategies. This article reviews the process of implementing tutorial action plans in Catalan universities, with particular emphasis on the Universitat Rovira i Virgili. The training and functions of tutors, the recognition of the tutoring task and the tools available to tutors at the URV are described.

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