Job Insecurity and Organizational Commitment


subjective/objective job insecurity
cognitive/affective job insecurity
organizational commitment
value commitment
willingness to stay with an organization

How to Cite

Furåker, B., & Berglund, T. (2015). Job Insecurity and Organizational Commitment. International Journal of Organizations, (13), 163–186.


This article deals with the relationship between job insecurity and organizational commitment. Our analysis includes both 'subjective' and 'objective' measures of job insecurity and it also distinguishes between a cognitive and affective component of the subjective dimension. As to organizational commitment, we make a distinction between value commitment and readiness to remain with the employing organization. The empirical basis for the analysis is survey data collected in Sweden in 2010-2011. Some of the outcomes are just as expected: perceived risk of losing one's job is associated with lower value commitment and less willingness to stay with the organization, while the opposite pattern appears for satisfaction with job security. Other results are more noteworthy: increases in unemployment, temporary employment contracts and worry about losing one's job are linked to higher value commitment. Being anxious about job loss is also positively related to willingness to stay. These results indicate that insecurity can make people more appreciative of their current work and workplace.

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