This paper is intended to give a heterogeneous vision of Vocational Education and Training, since the author has been teaching in secondary education and vocational training. He is currently working as a technical assistant at the Secretary of Vocational Education and Training in the UGT of Catalonia, so besides having an academic approach, he also perceives the social agents' sensitiveness. In this paper he emphasizes the opinion of sociologists in contrast to those who only take into account the economic criteria in relation to the labor market and employability. Knowledge society also has some added challenges, such as inclusiveness and social integration. The training system in general, and specifically the Vocational Education and Training should assume it; otherwise, there will be a collective failure. If we take a look to the Cedefop (2014) data, we can see that only a small share of VET students are involved in combined work and school-based training (4,3% compared with the EU average of 27,0%). The proportions of older adults, unemployed adults, and adults with relatively low qualifications participating in lifelong learning are all higher than the corresponding EU averages.
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