The role of organizational ties managed by practice firms. The case of Perting Ltd


organizational ties

How to Cite

Bianchi, M., Gualdi, D., & Tampieri, L. (2017). The role of organizational ties managed by practice firms. The case of Perting Ltd. International Journal of Organizations, (18), 11–28.


The paper analyzes the organizational ties created by the functional offices of Perting LtD, the Practice Firm established since 2001 in Bologna University, with teachers / tutors (educational ties), with other offices (operative-internal ties) and external parties (operative-external ties) during the first semester of the academic year 2016/2017. A certain stability in the evolution of ties and the prevalence of internal ties are outlined. Furthermore, the feedback, measured as waiting time for a response, inside Perting among their functional offices was lower than those related to external networking.

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