Business creation process of agroecological products and responsible consumption in Yucatan
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agroecological producers
Slow Food
organic products
responsible consumption

How to Cite

Blanco-Gregory, R., & López-Canto, L. (2020). Business creation process of agroecological products and responsible consumption in Yucatan. International Journal of Organizations, (24), 13–39.


Faced with the phenomenon of globalization and the obvious damage caused to the environment and local economies by the predatory actions of large corporations, initiatives have emerged in different countries in recent decades which seek to provide an alternative to the predominant paradigm based on the neoliberal model. These alternatives take a territorial approach to development by recovering spaces that can be used for economic exchanges by local stakeholders and thus help to regenerate the social fabric. Even though there are different types of local enterprise, as part of the Slow Food movement in Yucatan, since 2008 there has been a movement that brings together local entrepreneurs who offer directly natural products to those who have taken on to a greater or lesser extent the concept of sustainability- These products are known as agroecological products. These initiatives are not intended to compete with mass production but they have found a niche market, in the form consumers who have an explicit interest in so-called "responsible consumption". Consequently, the objectives of this paper are to describe the process of creating companies and to identify the key factors that stimulate or inhibit the entrepreneurial skills of entrepreneurs belonging to the Slow Food movement in Yucatán.
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