Management of sustainability policies in academic organizations: The case of the University of Extremadura
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Robina-Ramírez, R., & Moreno Luna, L. (2020). Management of sustainability policies in academic organizations: The case of the University of Extremadura. International Journal of Organizations, (24), 63–90.


The aim of this research is to study the management of sustainability policies in the University of Extremadura and to identify the most important factors in developing the environmental awareness of students of business, finance, economics and tourism. Three factors have been analyzed within the framework of sustainability policies in the academic field: teacher training, environmental awareness activities and transversal environmental competences. The methodology used was the Structural Equation Model of the SmartPls-3 software package. The sample consisted of 420 students belonging to the Faculties of Economics, Business, Finance and Tourism of the Universidad de Extremadura. The survey found that selected constructs influenced the main objective of the University's sustainability policies, which is to increase environmental awareness among its students. The study particularly highlights the importance of the transversal competence, which seeks to promote environmental protection among future entrepreneurs in Spain.
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