Methodological advances in the analysis and understanding of women's social disadvantage
Cubierta Pobreza, exclusión social y género
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social exclusion
quantitative analysis

How to Cite

de la Cal, M. L. (2009). Methodological advances in the analysis and understanding of women’s social disadvantage. International Journal of Organizations, (3), 29–47.


In the pages below we aim to focus on how the issue of gender is dealt with in empirical and theoretical analyses of poverty and social exclusion. We shall justify the relevance of including the gender perspective in our analysis of social disadvantage and then go on to analyze a variety of approaches to poverty and social exclusion, and study the origin and the dimension of the social disadvantage of females. Finally, we shall study, from the gender point of view, some statistics on poverty and social exclusion with the purpose of revealing not only the methodological advances that some of them show but also possible areas of improvement.
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