Elements of organizational management: instrumental rationality and its limits. Some explanatory models.
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organizational sociology
limited rationality

How to Cite

Sánchez-Oro Sánchez, M., Pérez Rubio, J. A., & Jiménez Naranjo, H. V. (2020). Elements of organizational management: instrumental rationality and its limits. Some explanatory models. International Journal of Organizations, (24), 111–134. https://doi.org/10.17345/rio24.111-134


This article deals with the problems of administrative management and its relation to instrumental rationality in organizations, especially companies. Based on the criticism of rationality as an ideal type, it is observed that the existence of diverse interpretations of rational behavior in productive organizations, both in the administration of things and of people, should be a paradigm of the capitalist system. From different points of view, taking into account the internal and external factors, an explanation is usually given that justifies rational action in the pursuit of objectives and changing actions. It is an attempt to approach the different orders that are promoted in the wake of changes and intellectual "fashions" by trying to satisfy scientific curiosity on epistemological issues related to the orientations that condition organizations within the dominant socioeconomic system.

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