The Queretana mountain range in central Mexico includes two municipalities: Amealco de Bonfil and Huimilpan. In both, migration to the United States is a frequent phenomenon that has gradually modified the way families are organized. The analysis of migration takes into account the family group and the changes in the gender-generic division of labor and the economic and cultural effects that it entails. The article exposes the living conditions of groups in transnational families, particularly women and non-migrant relatives; the development of enterprises and family businesses as possible alternatives to the use of remittances. The research sought to determine the survival strategies of transnational families in relation to aspects of care, commitment and reciprocity. The methodology is qualitative, hermeneutical and phenomenological. A documentary review was included and semi- structured interviews were conducted. As techniques for triangulation, interview results were contrasted and non-participant observation was used. The fieldwork was carried out during the summers of 2018 and 2019. 17 interviews were conducted with members of transnational families and 5 with officials from the municipalities studied, the national employment office and a civil organization supporting migrants. Among the main results is that women, who do not migrate, face new economic conditions that involve them breaking with traditional gender schemes, although the subjective construction of a new gender role is gradual. Many women who do not migrate fail to break the roles assigned in the private sphere because the new living conditions they face do not separate them from their gender status in the family. However, at the same time, they face responsibilities as heads of their families. They are perceived as carrying out a double working day which nevertheless does not bring them into conflict with members of the extended family. The ventures carried out involve business network strategies that are possible thanks to extended families and links between migrants. Their success or failure is perceived not only as a consequence of the market but also in relation to the possibility of sending remittances.
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