Micro-enterprises in organic farming and Slow Food market
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agroecological production
organic products
social networks
slow food

How to Cite

Blanco-Gregory, R., Martínez-Quintana, M. V., & Sanagustín-Fons, M. V. (2020). Micro-enterprises in organic farming and Slow Food market. International Journal of Organizations, (24), 159–182. https://doi.org/10.17345/rio24.159-182


This article presents a qualitative investigation that has been carried out on a large sample of microentrepreneurs in the Mexican state of Yucatán; which, motivated by the consumption of healthy and organic products in the field of agroecology, have started in their businesses, based mainly on the production and marketing of this type of products of livestock or agricultural origin, but mainly from the last batch. Specifically, we want to expose, in more detail, the opinion that these agroecological micro-entrepreneurs have about the producers in their environment, that is, about the competition in the Yucatecan market, also inquiring about the existence of social networks and social interaction among entrepreneurs; and about the forms of cooperation that exist between them.

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