Analysis of the impact of innovation, ICT and the business climate on the income of SMEs
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business performance

How to Cite

Fernández-Portillo, A., Sánchez-Escobedo, M. C., & Almodóvar-González, M. (2020). Analysis of the impact of innovation, ICT and the business climate on the income of SMEs. International Journal of Organizations, (24), 183–209.


Organizations face a constant challenge to increase or at least maintain their income each year through the volume of their sales,. For this reason, companies are constantly looking for different ways of meeting this challenge. Within this search process, we find the Innovation, and the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) that try to improve the efficiency and efficacy of companies in this undertaking, all within a complex and constantly changing economic environment. Consequently, the present article analyzes whether innovation and ICT support the increase of income through sales, taking into account SME managers' perceptions of the environment. The article analyzes literature on the subject and surveys 250 SMEs from the Spanish region of Extremadura. The main contribution of the study is that innovation and ICT have a positive impact on increasing of sales of SMEs, and therefore companies should include it as a fundamental part of their structure.
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