Las ocupaciones laborales en función de los requisitos de competencias lingüísticas: una categorización mediante redes neuronales artificiales
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Competencias lingüísticas
Ocupaciones laborales
Mapas autoorganizativos.

How to Cite

Molina-Cobo, C., Sorrosal, M. T., & Vidal-Suñé, A. (2019). Las ocupaciones laborales en función de los requisitos de competencias lingüísticas: una categorización mediante redes neuronales artificiales. International Journal of Organizations, (23), 193–221.


The aim of this study is to classify different types of occupations according to similarities in their requirements with regard to language skills. To do so, we use data on these occupations from the O NET-SOC-2010 for the USA in 2015. Three classifications, depending on the level of disaggregation of the O'NET data, are considered. Our analysis is conducted using artificial neural networks - specifically, Kohonen's self-organizing maps (SOM) - to determine whether the level of disaggregation of the occupations influences their classification by the level of linguistic competence required. This is a novel contribution since, as far as we know, no previous study has used SOMs to classify occupations according to required language competence. Our analysis may help social researchers to study how the linguistic components of an occupation influence productivity, worker employability, business results, and the generation of competitive advantages based on language, etc.
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