Refugees of faith or sextants in secular times? The new roles of religious institutions in minority contexts
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religious institutions
adaptive strategies.

How to Cite

Moreras Palenzuela, J. (2019). Refugees of faith or sextants in secular times? The new roles of religious institutions in minority contexts. International Journal of Organizations, (22), 11–33.


This text offers a theoretical reflection on the transformations that take place in religious institutions in minority contexts. Their initiatives to adaptat to the social environment lead them to a progressive transformation of the functions that they had in their places of origin (in the case of migrant groups) or that derive from the acceptance of their own minority status (with respect to other more prevalent religious traditions). The result is a series of redefinitions in relation to what is expected from these institutions, both from within the groups that they represent and from the society in which they are located.
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