Cultural logic, national minorities and religious practices in multicultural contexts. The case of the Mouride brotherhood among Senegalese migrants
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Senegalese migration

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Moreno-Maestro, S. (2019). Cultural logic, national minorities and religious practices in multicultural contexts. The case of the Mouride brotherhood among Senegalese migrants. International Journal of Organizations, (22), 35–54.


The present text analyses, within the framework of glocalization, how the Sufi religious beliefs and practices of the Senegalese community constitute an area of fundamental identity reaffirmation in multicultural contexts of emigration marked by the inequality of rights. We provide an analysis of the Senegalese Mouride brotherhood in Andalusia, where the Spanish and European legal framework on immigration affects the lives of a significant part of the Senegalese population and where there is a strongly evolutionist and ethnocentric colonial attitude towards African peoples. Focusing on the role that religious beliefs and practices play in the life of the Senegalese population in Andalusia, we will pay special attention to two aspects: on the one hand, the public dimension of the Mouride religious faith, analysing the continuities and transformations that take place in this migratory context - mainly, in the work ethic and the connection between talibé and marabout; and, on the other hand, the identity aspect and the hypothesis that among the Senegalese community in Andalusia there is a reaffirmation of Black African and Senegalese identities based on the affirmation of the Mouride identity and that only this cultural reaffirmation enables the possibility of social participation.
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