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Non-governmental organizations

How to Cite

Fassio, A. N., Rutty, M. G., & Maroscia, C. . (2021). LEARNING AND INNOVATION IN CIVIL SOCIETY ORGANIZATIONS AND AT THE UNIVERSITY ASSOCIATED IN UNIVERSITY EXTENSION PROGRAMS. International Journal of Organizations, (25-26), 103–123. https://doi.org/10.17345/rio25-26.103-123


This study reports the results of the research project "Organizational learning in civil society organizations that implement programs based on responsible social innovation in the city of La Plata and its area of influence", which was carried out at the Faculty of Economic Sciences of the National University of La Plata (FCE UNLP). The study presents the organizational learning described by the civil society organizations of the city of La Plata and by the faculty chairs that provided technical assistance during this collaboration.

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