Knowledge and Change Management in Social Transformative & Cooperative Organizations: Comparative Case Study
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Sociología Económica
organizaciones de aprendizaje
transformación social
tecnologías de aprendizaje y conocimiento

How to Cite

García-Magariño, S., & Sánchez-Bayón, A. (2021). Knowledge and Change Management in Social Transformative & Cooperative Organizations: Comparative Case Study. International Journal of Organizations, (27), 137–171.


This is a prospective study on the new types of organization and management in the transition towards the knowledge society. Two forms of holacratic management are analyzed and offer innovative productive factors, such as learning and knowledge technologies, as well as experiences of talent development and personal and social transformation (typical of organizations aligned with Horizon 2030 and CSR 3.0). To do so, this paper analyses two study cases, in different socio-cultural settings; namely, Information Systems Costa Rica and the Institute for Global Knowledge, Governance and Development in Spain. The aim is to systematize their proposals regarding organization, operation and results so that they can be made available to other organizations oriented towards the aforementioned model of knowledge and social transformation.
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