The article is an outline of the questions that should be taken into account for a subsequent detailed, extensive and careful analysis of the current political situation in Latin America, which is characterized by a notable and aggressive advancement of right-wing positions at all levels of society. In terms of the exercise of power, we see the election of capitalists to institutional representation, as occurred during the initial rise of the bourgeoisie as a class. This exercise of power is carried out in a global context dominated by a pattern of capital accumulation based on financial valuation and the simultaneous development of the crisis-signal in the North American systemic accumulation cycle. It has led to a formidably unequal distribution of wealth that, more than fear and/or hatred, shows a formidable disregard for the life of the majority of the world population on the part of the bourgeoisie. This behavior, whose most brutal expression is the desire for the death of "the others," is usually expressed in a generic way, but sometimes refers to specific individuals. Significantly, it is accompanied by the growing influence of the evangelical churches, particularly among the popular classes. The covid-19 pandemic has highlighted the limits of the current capitalist model and has generated the first manifestations of what is supposed to appear once it is over. The author calls for caution and for further research before any forecasts can be made.
por Pablo Amadeo, profesor de la Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Argentina. Puede descargarse desde varios sitios.
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de España Editores.
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