Questionnaire on the role of teaching staff in university organizations: design and validation in the frame of the European Higher Education Area
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Teaching role
teaching methods
educational psychology

How to Cite

Casañola Andrés, M., Carretero Chamarro, C., Barrasa Notario, Ángel, & Sanagustín Fons, M. V. (2021). Questionnaire on the role of teaching staff in university organizations: design and validation in the frame of the European Higher Education Area. International Journal of Organizations, (27), 85–110.


The purpose of this research is to design and validate a questionnaire to
measure the perceptions, attitudes and behaviors of university teaching staff regarding
their teaching practice and their relationship with students in the framework of the
European Higher Education Area (EHEA) and considering certain essential con-
cepts for academic performance in line with goal 4 of the Sustainable Development
Goals (SDGs). The questionnaire has two purposes: 1) to promote ways that teachers
can engage in self-assessment and thus increase the quality of teaching-learning pro-
cesses and 2) to help guide teachers on the path towards continuous improvement and
methodological and competency innovation. The initial draft of the questionnaire had
11 dimensions consisting of 72 items, which after a limited psychometric analysis
was reduced to only 2 dimensions with 20 items, corresponding to the questionnaire
tested on a sample of 360 teachers from universities throughout Spain. Analysis of the
responses revealed three factors with high reliability: comprehensive training; training
in values; and pedagogical innovation and ICTs. The results indicate that this ques-
tionnaire has a clear and reliable validity for use in the university environment, given
that it has factors closely connected both with the principles of the EHEA and with
Goal 4 of the SDGs.
PDF (Español (España))


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