Entrepreneurship in Mexico: Before and After Covid-19
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Santamaria Velasco, C. A., Montañez Moya, G. S., & Gutierrez Olvera, S. (2021). Entrepreneurship in Mexico: Before and After Covid-19. International Journal of Organizations, (27), 35–57. https://doi.org/10.17345/rio27.35-57


The COVID-19 pandemic has created uncertainty in the global economy and in all sectors, especially for formal and informal entrepreneurs of SMEs who have suffered significant consequences. This article reviews the literature on entrepreneurship and crisis and addresses the experiences of entrepreneurs in Mexico regarding the impact of COVID-19 on their businesses.

A systematic literature review looked at studies related to entrepreneurship, crises and opportunities. A total of 30 articles were analyzed to determine how entrepreneurs act when a crisis appears. It was possible to identify attitudes adopted under the crisis, characteristics of entrepreneurs, and social and human capital, among others. These factors should be considered by universities and stakeholders for implementation in entrepreneurship programs that teach what to do when a company is in crisis.

This study reviews the literature on entrepreneurship and crises to identify what it can contribute to post-pandemic entrepreneurship. The article also proposes a future line of research that looks at the impact of COVID-19 on entrepreneurs on emerging economies

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