Agrifood heterogenization and sustainability: manifest complexities for an organizational key interpretation
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alternative agri-food systems, organizational challenges, logic and sustainable designs, agri-food governance.

How to Cite

Cattaneo, C. A., Bocchicchio, A. M., & Candelino, E. (2022). Agrifood heterogenization and sustainability: manifest complexities for an organizational key interpretation. International Journal of Organizations, (28), 63–83.


Growing social demand for sustainability of agri-food systems has been one of the reasons that made possible the emergence and consolidation of new forms of production, supply and consumption. These modalities are reflected in organizations which develop various strategies in order to integrate to a productive and commercial profile a new one that privileges such approach. Thus, different proposals arise, which seek to articulate different and heterogeneous logics; but at the same time a set of limitations is revealed to achieve that objective. To overcome them, it is necessary to move towards a real imbrication of a sustainable logic in all its multidimensionality in the structure and actions of the food organizations. Based on this problem and focused on the organizations that represent these new productive modalities, this work presents a path through the elements provided by the socio-organizational theory, with the aim of building a conceptual framework that, in a heuristic way, contributes to guide the empirical investigation of a phenomenon that is assumed to be complex. This complexity refers to the functioning of a renewed organizational dynamic (with its internal management logics and aspects) that must operate in coordination with the rules of governance of the entire agri-food system as well as with the new social demands.
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