This article aims to determine the extent to which job satisfaction and justice at work influence the turnover intention of public transport workers. The power of job satisfaction and justice to predict the turnover intention was studied in employees of a public transportation company in Corumbá, Brazil, and measured using the following validated instruments: Scale of Job Satisfaction, Scale of Perception of Distributive Justice, Scale of Perception of Procedural Justice and Turnover Intention Scale. The article reports a quantitative descriptive study that uses the survey technique. The data was analyzed using descriptive statistics and measures of central tendency. Participants were found to be more satisfied with their colleagues, their boss and the nature of the work, and less satisfied with salaries and promotions. In terms of turnover intention, the survey showed an average result. The data on justice at work showed that distributive justice was perceived more positively than procedural justice. Correlation analysis revealed that job satisfaction and justice were significantly correlated with turnover intention. These results indicate that employees’ intention to leave the company where they work decreases as job satisfaction and the perception of justice at work increase.
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