Incorporating the gender perspective into university degrees and organizations as a guarantee of good practices and good science
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Labor relations
Human resources

How to Cite

Aguado Bloise, E., & Pitxer i Campos, J. V. (2023). Incorporating the gender perspective into university degrees and organizations as a guarantee of good practices and good science. International Journal of Organizations, (31), 93–117.


Incorporating the gender perspective into the university and, therefore, subsequently into organizations is a comprehensive policy that promotes gender equality and diversity in research, teaching, university management and professional practices, all of which are affected by different gender biases. Gender analysis is opening new avenues for innovation and good science, and becoming the source of considerable creative power in scientific disciplines. It is also a legal mandate that is enshrined in various regulations. However, despite the extensive regulatory framework, it has not yet been fully implemented (Verge & Alonso, 2019). The project INNOVAGEN aims to incorporate the gender perspective into the teaching of the Bachelor’s Degree in Labor Relations and Human Resources, which provides professionals in the world of employment with an overview of the real, necessary and incomplete equality in current study programs. The main objective of the INNOGEN project is to give students the tools so that they can identify stereotypes and gender roles, develop their critical spirit and acquire the skills they need for conscientious professional practice that incorporates the perspective of gender. One of the tasks was to diagnose the situation in the classrooms. This initial diagnosis involved designing a survey, and then applying it in the Bachelor’s Degree in Labor Relations and the Master's Degree in Human Resources Management of the University of Valencia. The information collected was then subject to analysis and interpretation. The aim was to find out the opinion of the students (mainly those on the Bachelor’s Degree in Labor Relations and Human Resources) regarding the incorporation of the gender perspective into the content of the degree and the teaching-learning process, and identify possible existing deficits and therefore the main areas in which action needs to be taken if they are to be overcome.
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