From the lived to the acquired in innovation and digital teaching: challenges for the future
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digital teaching
teacher training
digital capabilities

How to Cite

Ruiz Simón, E., Chavarría Pérez, C., & Santaella Vallejo, A. (2023). From the lived to the acquired in innovation and digital teaching: challenges for the future. International Journal of Organizations, (31), 119–140.


The right to education, recognized as a fundamental right in 1948, has assumed innovation as a necessary practice to increase the quality of its processes and results.

The efforts of the last 20 years have been accelerated due to the pandemic situation. Adaptation to virtual environments has undergone an evolution due to social and cultural evolution itself, first as a recommendation in the early years of the new millennium and after 2020 as a mandatory and necessary process.

The pandemic generated an unprecedented new situation that had an impact on society as a whole and forced to rethink the entire system during the confinement and post-confinement course. Problems generated in this context are responsible for new paradigm in education and for educational community, especially teachers and students.

The present research examines learning outcomes through the empirical analysis of data from learning outcomes in various subjects and university degrees. The lessons learned, consolidated practices and future challenges are fundamental elements for understanding the profound changes in education.
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