Relational communication and its contribution to organizational resilience in virtual environments
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Relational communication

How to Cite

Torrescano Peña, C. K., Mateos Espejel, L., & Gómez Vallarta, A. C. (2023). Relational communication and its contribution to organizational resilience in virtual environments. International Journal of Organizations, (31), 199–221.


As a result of the pandemic caused by COVID-19, organizations had to deal with changes and uncertainty that made virtual work teams the norm. Given this, an organization’s collaborators were strategic for its survival and continuity. For this reason, it is essential to develop mechanisms to enhance organizational resilience – that is to say, the capacity to produce positive behaviors in the face of constant change and virtuality – as the axis that frames the present and future of organizations. This document is based on the hypothesis that in order to achieve organizational resilience in virtuality, the concepts of relational and professional communication need to be articulated. Specifically, organizations require collaborators who routinely deal with adversity, so they need to use relational communication to engage in productive personal relationships, which contributes to their emotional and psychological support. In addition, communication within organizations needs to be conceived as a task for individuals that involves planning messages and generates a sense of personal responsibility for the effects of the communication itself. A narrative review of the literature shows that there is an articulation between the concepts of relational and professional communication. This contributes to the development of organizational resilience because individuals build up their relational communication skills so that they can effectively respond to a social separation that is required by teleworking and environments of constant disruption.
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