School Management Teams and Cultural Diversity: Attitudes, Resources and Actions
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How to Cite

Andrés Cabello, S., & Chinchurreta Santamaría, J. (2024). School Management Teams and Cultural Diversity: Attitudes, Resources and Actions. International Journal of Organizations, (32), 35–56.


Since the beginning of the 21st century, Spain has become a multicultural society. This has led to a transformation of the country's social structure. The education system is one of the areas in which this change has been most visible. Furthermore, education has to adapt and respond to these processes, so that it can incorporate attention to and work with cultural diversity. In this context, all agents in the educational community play a decisive role although school management teams are particularly important in terms of both attitudes and actions, the latter marked by the availability of resources. This article addresses the role of these actors by focusing on the results of two research projects on cultural diversity in primary education (6–12 years). Quantitative and qualitative studies have attempted to respond to various questions about this object of study, with particular focus on the management teams of these schools. Thus, the participants express their attitudes towards cultural diversity and then assess not only this issue but also the means and resources available to them, the programmes and actions, their relationship with families, and the action they take in their schools. The main results show the importance of working with families and the school environment, the channels of communication and the variability of situations when there is cultural diversity in schools.
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