Sustainable management of working time: lights and shadows of the past labor reforms
RIO 8 Trabajo, crisis económica y reformas laborales
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Work time
reconciliation of work and family life
part-time work

How to Cite

Argüelles Blanco, A. R. (2013). Sustainable management of working time: lights and shadows of the past labor reforms. International Journal of Organizations, (8), 11–29.


This article examines the changes made, first, by Royal Decree 3/2012 and, after undergoing the appropriate parliamentary procedure, by Law 3/2012 in various institutions in terms of the organization of work time and the balance with workers' own time. In particular, it assesses the positive and negative aspects of the new rules governing the irregular distribution of the working day, overtime by parttime workers, reductions in the working day for family reasons and, finally, the right to annual remunerated holiday.
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